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Publishing Assistant with the support of NCBR

The “Asystent Wydawniczy” project, which is a natural continuation and extension of the projects conducted so far by Literacka Sp. z o. o. research, received funding from the National Center for Research and Development under the Smart Growth Operational Program 2014-2020, action 1.1 / sub-measure 1.1.1 (List of projects submitted independently by SMEs, consortia of SMEs with research units and consortia with the participation of only SMEs – 3rd ROUND ). Thanks to the grant, software for content analysis will be created, using artificial intelligence algorithms to automate the publishing process and predict the success of market publications.

On the ranking list of Literacka Sp. z o. o. proudly ranked 4th, but according to the ex aequo score, together with two other companies with the second best result! It is a great joy for our team and a great success!
We would like to thank everyone who had their valuable contribution to the work on the research and the project!

Link to the renking list>

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