plenLiteracka Sp. z o.o.    |   Olsztyn, Wilczyńskiego 25e/216
+48 883 00 88 22

Inquiry: Consulting services

In connection with the implementation of the grant agreement under the Intelligent Development Operational Program, Priority axis: POIR.03.00.00. Support for innovation in enterprises Measure: POIR.03.03.00. Support for the promotion and internationalization of innovative enterprises Sub-measure: POIR.03.03.01. Polish Technological Bridges
Contract number: UG-PMT / 0112 / 1N / 2018-USA company LITERACKA SP. Z OO, announces that it is looking for a contractor for the following service:

1. Object of the contract:
and. advice related to obtaining intellectual property protection abroad – in particular on the US market
b. adapting the website regulations to US law
c. preparation of draft contracts and trademark protection – US market
d. technical descriptions adapted to the US market

>download details: request for quotation no.1

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