The year 2020 is about to end, and now is the best time to summarize what happened at Literacka last year.
And last year, a lot happened with us. Spółka Literacka is a constant development. We can boldly say that it was a good year for us, full of hard work, but also many valuable projects, meetings and satisfying moments.
New opportunities, new opportunities
It was an exceptional year in many ways. Four excellent employees joined our team, we managed to complete and start new projects.
Publishing Assistant

This year was exceptionally hard for us and the economy of our country, but also extremely busy. April 30, 2020 Literacka has completed the project ” Automatic Reviewer ” co-financed by the National Center for Research and Development. On the next day, on May 1, the works related to the project “Assistant publishing” (NCBR Fast Track, project value: PLN 3.1 million) started. One of the research challenges in 2021 will be the automatic generation of publishing notes and book descriptions.
Why did we decide on a new project? So far, in order to effectively develop the recommendation system for new clients, we needed as many books as possible (their full content in electronic version). Often, after submitting texts to us for analysis, there were expectations of conducting research so as to create a product that meets the specific needs of a business partner. Therefore, we were constantly expanding the scope of research experiments and creating “tailor-made” functionalities. This is how we became a technological partner of companies such as Legimi SA, e-Kiosk, Agora, PWN or Norwegian NORLA.
Literacka as BookScout
Literacka has been cooperating with authors, publishing houses and bookstores in Great Britain and the USA since 2019 (New York, Washington, Chicago) – from among the submitted manuscripts, we select those that promise in the context of sales through promotional channels of authors (bloggers, journalists, foreign correspondents) and, after estimating the sales potential, we prepare the publication for printing (editing, proofreading, graphic design) ., printing) and the distribution and service of orders, as well as generating and securing books in an electronic version (e-book).

In 2020, we conducted research using machine learning algorithms for many entities in the industry:
Library of Analysis – a barometer of sentiment in various segments of the book market (publishing houses, printing houses, bookstores, wholesalers) based on the analysis of interviews with industry representatives.
Duży Format Foundation – artificial intelligence as the juror of the competition for a crime story (analysis of the submitted works in terms of their genre compatibility, analysis of the writing style, stylometric analysis).
Provincial Public Library in Olsztyn – artificial intelligence as a juror of the Wawrzyn Warmia and Mazury literary award (analysis of all books published in PL in 2019, related to Warmia and Mazury).
Coalition for Independent Poland – recommended literary fiction for mobile games in partnership with the To My Foundation and GeoGames.
Novae Res, State Publishing Institute – analysis of the entire publishing offer for marketing purposes.
Ermlab Sp. z o. o – Contextual written language comprehension technology for error correction and automatic evaluation of text intelligibility. Conducting a survey on a group of Poles for the purpose of assessing the comprehensibility of the text.
In preparation: – recommendation system for Poles abroad.
Marpress publishing house – targeting groups of readers as part of the Creative Europe program.
What’s up in the book industry?
In 2020, in our efforts to gain brand recognition as a technology company operating in the field of content analysis, we organized three industry events addressed to the management and employees of bookstores, publishing houses and libraries. Literacka also became a member of the Polish Chamber of Books.
Book Marketing Conference ( 6-7 March, Poznań) Organized in cooperation with the Poznań International Fair Group. The conference was attended by 150 participants at each of the events. These were 2 days of lectures, workshops, marketing emergency, VIP room, meetings with authors. Speakers in the event: Katarzyna Bonda, Przemysław Staroń, Paweł Tkaczyk, Tomasz Manikowski, Adam Pioch, Tomasz Palak and others.
Book Targ I Conference (May 21-22, on-line). Book Market is the largest online virtual book fair. We organized them in cooperation with Legimi,, During the conference, numerous lectures related to the situation on the book market during the pandemic were held, incl. how to use government support, how to find yourself in the maze of information and procedures, how to acquire a client or start an adventure with online business.
Book Targ Sector II (November 12-18, online) Industry events were organized in cooperation with Legimi,, These were unforgettable five days of positive experiences shared by Polish and foreign publishers, booksellers and librarians. Technology and marketing experts presented proven solutions. For the first time, topics such as gaining additional revenues from books through film and theater adaptations, or sustainable book publishing appeared. Thanks to our activities, Polish publishing houses can apply for funds for book adaptations as part of the Berlinale festival, or join the program of reducing the impact of publishing activities on the environment. Literacka also presented its own solutions: How does AI help improve the publishing process? and How not to miss a bestseller?

And in the New Year …
We are not planning to slow down in the New Year! We will constantly develop and create even better and more accurate artificial intelligence for our partners.
The entire Literacka team wishes our clients (including future ones), partners and investors good luck, lots of ideas and fulfillment of all plans in 2021!