ANAGRAM Publishing House is among the users of the BookScout.ai system created by Literacka. ANAGRAM is a publishing house that is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. It was established in 1991 for lovers of poetry. ANAGRAM publishes the works of the most outstanding poets in the world, as well as the works of somewhat forgotten authors – poetry, however, still alive and important.

The head of ANAGRAM Publishing House is Magdalena Koperska – poetry enthusiast and businesswoman, winner of the Business Women Award 2020 awarded by the prestigious Tygrysy Biznesu magazine.
We asked Magdalena Koperska about the publisher’s job and how BookScout.ai will help with it.
Mrs. Magdalena, what is the ANAGRAM Publishing House guided by when deciding to publish a given publishing proposal? How is it that the author publishes a book in ANAGRAM?
We only publish good literature, both poetry and prose. Literary value matters. We are looking for interesting, well-written and valuable texts that at the same time fit into our publishing profile.
What problems do you face when working with publishing offers?
Working on a text is always a challenge. We try to build a good relationship with the author, thanks to which work becomes a pleasure. I would not like to describe the difficulties that arise in every job, not only publishing.
What made you start using Bookscout.ai? What are your expectations for BookScout.ai?
We love new solutions and ideas of your team. I had contact with Fiona during the book fair in Poznań. And she stole my heart. Artificial intelligence is an excellent form of reading and book promotion. For now, I enjoy working together, checking and observing. And I keep my fingers crossed. In addition, the system will certainly facilitate the author-publisher cooperation and contact, and thus facilitate the work.
How many items does ANAGRAM publish annually?
Difficult question. It depends on the year. It is interesting that in a pandemic we are publishing more titles. In 2020 there were over 14 of them.
How many publishing offers are submitted to ANAGRAM?
We have a lot of publishing offers, at least a dozen or so a week. I try to reply to every e-mail, even if we are not interested in publishing a given title, but it is not always successful. Therefore, I would like to apologize to authors who did not receive a reply.
What are your publishing successes?
This year, ANAGRAM is celebrating its 30th anniversary. We have released a lot of good titles over the years, so it is difficult for me to give one specific example of success now. Each book published by me is a publishing success for me. But if I am to give an example, it will surely be an edition of a miniature of poetry by ADONIS, the greatest Arab poet, typified many times for the literary NOBEL.
What is important to you in the work of a publisher?
First of all, relationships. I am lucky with good authors and collaborators. Thanks to this, my work is a pleasure for me and gives me great satisfaction.
What do you think readers might be interested in when it comes to the results of the work’s analysis by artificial intelligence?
The NER analysis looks very interesting. I was intrigued by the Book Map of the item published by our publishing house – Bohdan Kołomijczuk’s “Hotel Wielkie Prusy” translated by Ryszard Kupidura. NERs have said a lot about the book and even if we have not read it yet, we are able to imagine where and when the plot is happening, what events dominate the text or what the main characters are like. It’s very interesting.