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About in the Analysis Library

The Library of Analyzes published an article on the application created by Literacka on the occasion of the system launch.

The biweekly “Biblioteka Analiz” is a professional, prestigious information guide on the publishing and bookstore market. The magazine is addressed mainly to the employees of publishing houses, wholesalers and bookstores, and its purpose is to provide management staff with fast and reliable information. It has been on the market since 2000. Below we quote a few sentences from the article and HERE we refer to its full content.

“The use of artificial intelligence in order to optimize the time and costs associated with introducing a new title to the market and selling books may become an opportunity for the publishing market .

The coming years are the time of artificial intelligence. Both trend studies and examples coming from abroad say about it. PARP reports that by 2025 the value of the global artificial intelligence market will increase to over USD 190 billion with an average annual growth rate of 36%, and solutions based on it will be implemented by as much as 97%. the largest international companies.

There are already artificial intelligence-based tools in the world that serve both publishers and authors.

Only 10 languages in the world have more than 100 million speakers. The Polish language is at 30. position of this classification (0.61% of the world’s population) and therefore remains outside the mainstream of international research in the context of its processing by artificial intelligence. That is why it is so important to create specialized algorithms specifically for the Polish language , especially since in the coming years it is artificial intelligence that will largely affect the market advantage of companies.

Artificial intelligence enters all areas of life . Therefore, regardless of what is thought about it, you have to come to terms with trends and follow them in order to gain a market advantage “

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