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Gazeta Olsztyńska | 2 November 2020

On November 2, 2020 an article was published in Gazeta Olsztyńska about this year’s edition of the WAWRZYN 2019 Literary Award of Warmia and Mazury.

In the article we can read, among other things, that this year, for the first time, the jurors selecting the best books related to Warmia and Masuria, published in 2019, were supported by artificial intelligence. Each of the five books nominated for “Laurel” was analyzed by machine learning algorithms.

The winner of WAWRZYN 2019 was Bogdan Pniewski for his book Knife in the Back, or Memories of Musicians. In the analysis of the text carried out by the Literacka team, the main keywords that appeared in the book were presented: man, time, play, sing, home, girl, music. The proportions of dialogue parts (22.21%) to descriptive parts (77.79%) and the number of sentences (8043), words (64036) and characters (462.775) used in the publication were also analyzed.

The Readers’ Award went to Mr. Andrzej Zubkowicz for “In the ear of memory”. The analysis by the machine learning algorithm identified keywords such as: world, time, life, street, coffee, thoughts, day, moment, night. In the recognition of parts of speech, nouns (3,019), verbs (553), adjectives (506) and adverbs (201) dominated. The emotional overtones, including plot features, were to the greatest extent defined as: realistic, romantic, optimistic and touching.

The word “itself” in the amount of 1028, the most frequently nominated book appeared in “Beginning, ending, hot dogs” by Kacper Kotulak.

Most commas, 6310, were used by the author of the book “Knife in the Back” by Bogdan Pniewski.

In the book “Gigus” by Jakub Michalczenia, the most frequently used words were “to be” (280) and to have (254).

The word “woman” appeared 100 times in the book entitled “Knife in the back.”

The awards for the laureates in the form of certificates were presented by Małgorzata Sieniewicz, the President of the Literacka company, a member of the Chapter of the WAWRZYN Warmia and Mazury Literary Award during a solemn, though remote, gala at the Provincial Library in Olsztyn on October 29, 2020.

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