Literacka Technologie is the leader of the project “Publishing assistant – content analysis software that uses artificial intelligence algorithms to automate the publishing process and predict market success of publications” .
The project “Publishing Assistant” received funding from the National Center for Research and Development under the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020.
Project implementation deadline: 1.05.2020-30.06.2022.
Co -financing amount: PLN 2,384,520.98.
Publishing Assistant uses artificial intelligence to analyze the content, style and predict market success of publications. Thanks to the software produced by the project, publishers and authors will be able to automate the way of classifying literary texts, improving metadata and predicting the sales potential of a book. The tool will solve the main challenge faced by all publishers: how to find the right product? How to improve the visibility of titles on the online market? Literary provides assistance with pre-selection as well as targeted marketing, helping publishers to work more efficiently, reduce costs and better budget planning . The result of the project is also directed to the authors. By analyzing their texts before publication, they will receive valuable information on how to optimize their manuscripts.
The aim of the project is to develop software for analyzing the content of books by artificial intelligence algorithms . The planned system will enable generating book profiles, finding similar books, comparing content parameters with data on bestsellers, matching the offer of a bookstore or publishing house. The proposed solution is based on language models using deep learning and natural language processing techniques, it will be designed on the basis of models using neural networks. The software will be an innovation on a global scale, as such research has not been conducted for the Polish language and will open the possibility of testing content in other languages.