There are those who would give their heads that putting the science and the humanities in the same office will surely end in disaster. We believe that opposites attract, contrasts inspire, and from different points of view it is the easiest way to success. We have been convincing ourselves about it for years, combining passion with business every day.
He has extensive experience in coordinating activities during the entire process of implementing EU projects, from the stage of writing the application, through completing all formalities, ongoing service, settlements, to reporting. Master’s degree in journalism. Member of project teams implemented, among others, by AI Forest Sp. z o. o. (e.g. StockBrief – a system of big data algorithms analyzing financial data and changes in the sentiment of investor opinions and generating stock market forecasts based on the structures of deep neural networks). She participated in the Literacka company’s projects “Publishing Assistant – content analysis software using artificial intelligence algorithms to automate the publishing process and predict the market success of publications” and “Automatic Reviewer – an intelligent book recommendation system” as part of.
Contact: graduate of Polish Philology (UWM), postgraduate studies in Publishing Policy and Bookselling (UW), Public and Media Relations, and Multimedia Technologies and Computer Graphics in Enterprise (OWSIiZ named after Prof. Tadeusz Kotarbiński). She obtained the ECDL WebStarter European Skills Certificate. He has many years of experience working on the book market. She implemented, among others: an e-commerce sales platform and a loyalty program for one of the nationwide bookstore chains. Since 2016, Director of Development and CO-FOUNDER Literacka Sp. z o. o., a company that creates IT solutions for the book market. Previously, development director at For Books Sp. z o. o. Until 2016, from 2013, promotion and marketing specialist at the Municipal Public Library in Olsztyn. From 2008 to 2013 she was associated with Książnica Polska. She started working in the company as a junior bookseller, then worked as a CRM specialist, marketing and sales specialist, and head of the Market Communication Office. She cooperates as a reviewer with “Magazyn Literacki KSIĄŻKI”, and has also published in “Notes Wydawniczy”. She was one of the originators and coordinators of the campaign promoting reading under the slogan “Olsztyn Reads” – the campaign won the title of Champion of Reading Promotion 2013. She cooperated with the Borussia Foundation as part of the Mendelsohn’s House – A Place for Literature project, within which she organized author meetings with, among others, Olga Tokarczuk , Grażyna Plebanek, Eustachy Rylski. For many years she was the deputy editor-in-chief of “Olsztyńskie Medium Kulturalne Kulturka”. She cooperated (as an editor of the cultural column) with the weekly “Kurier Olsztyński”. Her stories were published in the cultural and literary magazine VariArt. In 2015, she wrote a book for children titled “Czytuś discovers secrets! Where do books come from? The book was printed by OZGraf – Olsztyńskie Zakłady Graficzne S.A. under the banner of MBP and was distributed free of charge to children.
Contact: is a doctor of humanities, specialist and coordinator of the publishing process, editor, translator, and university lecturer. She served as the Director of the UKSW Scientific Publishing House in Warsaw. For years, she supervised and coordinated selected stages of UKSW scientific grants, including several grant-ending publications, both conducted by the National Science Center and the National Center for Research and Development. Previously, she was the director of the Borussia publishing house. She is a member of the Association of Catholic Publishers and the Association of Higher Education Publishers. She lectured on editing and the publishing process at Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University. She implemented and coordinated projects co-financed by the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education – Science Promotion Activities (DUN), and the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation for Science. She coordinated the volunteer project Youth in Action (Erasmus+), Study Tours to Poland (Polish-American Freedom Foundation). He cooperates in the implementation of projects with many non-governmental organizations, as well as local government institutions and units. For a year, she was in the key research staff of the “Automatic Reviewer” project co-financed by the National Center for Research and Development, where she was responsible for developing assumptions for the structure of the book database, selecting features and information about books collected in the database. The most important publications: – E. Sobczak, Low-volume scientific publications against the background of the publishing market in Poland – an overview of important issues /in:/ E. Kwapień – (ed.), W labiryncie polszczyzny. Professor Stanisław Dubisz, doctors and doctoral students, Warsaw 2017 – E. Sobczak, Polish education in Spain after 1989 /in:/ I. Berlińska, M. Raczkiewicz, M. Stanek (eds.), Beyond the Homeland they carry the Homeland – the past and present of the Polish diaspora Spanish, Kraków 2008 – E. Sobczak, Contrastive features of the Polish dialect of young people in the Autonomous Region of Madrid, “Poradnik Językowy”, 2006, issue 7, pp. 74-8.
Developer of WebView-based applications (typescript, angular, sass). Previously he worked at Zeto Software. In 2016, he participated in the implementation of the Globe of Things project – a modern system of supervision and management of the traditional media industry. He programmed, among others, the proprietary GlobeOMS telemetry system.