Together with Allego, Lubimy Read, Legimi, under the patronage of the Polish Chamber of Books, and RMF, we invite you to participate free of charge in a five-day online industry conference!

The program of the Virtual Book Fair will include industry events, which this time will be held under the slogan Success despite adversities, i.e. effective solutions for difficult times.
Polish and foreign publishers, booksellers and librarians will share their experiences. Technology and marketing experts will present proven solutions.
We invite you to read the event program and register for individual webinars and panels! We remind you that the event is free of charge!
THURSDAY 12/11/2020
10:00 – 11.00 | From book to film adaptation – books at the Berlinale.
🗣️ Henning Adam – curator of Books at Berlinale Co-Production Market
📽️ Watch without registration:
12:00 – 13:00 | How to publish a how-to bestseller
🗣️ Izabela Pajor and Magdalena Kos – experts with nearly thirty years of experience in the largest publishing houses on the market and excellent knowledge of the secrets of the guidebook market.
📽️ Watch without registration:
13:30 – 14:30 | How to use mobile games to promote literature?
🗣️ Dr. Marek Maruszczak – CEO of GeoGames.
📽️ Watch without registration:
FRIDAY 13/11/2020
10:00 – 11:00 | Literature export in unpredictable times. New Norwegian non-fiction narrative.
🗣️ Dina Roll-Hansen – Senior Adviser, NORLA (Norway Literature Abroad)
Dina Roll-Hansen – a representative of the Norwegian organization NORLA (Norwegian Literature Abroad), promoting the export of Norwegian literature through translation grants, will talk about Norwegian support programs that may be useful for Polish publishers and translators. NORLA disseminates knowledge about Norwegian books and authors abroad, and its activities are funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Culture.
📽️ Watch without registration:
12:00 – 13:00 | What you don’t know about small publishing houses – why it is worth publishing in niche publishing houses and reading books published by them .
🗣️ Janina Koźbiel (Janina I Publishing House)
🗣️ Ewa Tenderenda-Ożóg (Library of Analyzes)
🗣️ Iwona Krynicka (Silver Publishing House)
🗣️ Andrzej Chrzanowski (SEDNO Academic Publishing House)
🗣️ Rafał T. Czachorowski (Duży Format Foundation).
📽️ Watch without registration:
14:00 – 15:00 | 30 years have passed, that is, the Polish Chamber of Books in the new times.
The Polish Chamber of Books has been in existence for 30 years and is still developing. New management, new times, new challenges – what awaits PIK and the entire book market.
🗣️ Sonia Draga – publisher, president and editor-in-chief of the Sonia Draga Publishing House, member of the Council of the Polish Chamber of Books, president of the PIK Fiction Publishers Section
🗣️ Grzegorz Majerowicz – vice-president and member of the Council of the Polish Chamber of Books
🗣️ Włodzimierz Albin – president of PIK from the previous term and chairman of the board of the Universal Reading Foundation
🗣️ Grzegorz Boguta – publisher, academic teacher
🗣️ Dorota Malinowska-Grupińska – translator, publisher and editor.
The meeting will be chaired by Piotr Dobrołęcki – editor-in-chief of Magazyn Literacki KSIĄŻKI.
📽️ Watch without registration:
MONDAY 16/11/2020
10:00 – 12:00 | Book on stage – theater adaptations – cooperation between author-publisher-theater.
What does the collaboration between the publisher and the author and the theater look like? Can you earn money on theater adaptations? How can a publisher try to get a book to the scene? The backstage of the publisher’s and author’s cooperation with the theater, playwright and director will be revealed by the people of the theater.
🗣️ Piotr Jędrzejas – actor, director, in 2013-2016 the Director of the CK Norwid in Jelenia Góra
🗣️ Radosław Paczocha – playwright, screenwriter and playwright, for six years associated with the Powszechny Theater in Warsaw (2004-2010), where he was a literary secretary, currently a playwright at the Wybrzeże Theater.
📽️ Watch without registration:
12:00 – 14:00 | Stories of successful publishers.
How do you go from a small publisher to a big one? How to blaze a trail in a competitive market? Can you combine business opportunities with literary ambitions? Stories of successful Polish publishers.
🗣️Monika Długa – Publishing Director / Wydawnictwo Poznańskie
🗣️ Hanna Grudzińska – Editor-in-chief / Marginesy Publishing House
🗣️ Anita Musioł – Publisher (Owner) / Pauza Publishing House
The interview will be conducted by Katarzyna Domańska (Head of Content / Legimi).
📽️ Watch without registration:
TUESDAY 17.11.2020
10:00 – 11:00 | Sustainable book market .
🗣️ Marcin Kiełt – member of the board of the Planet for Generations Foundation
Do you publish and / or print paper books? Do you sell e-books and / or audiobooks? It’s time to ask yourself the question: what can I do to keep my activities harming the planet as little as possible. Can publishing books in Poland and in the world be green? Marcin Kiełt from the Planet for Generation Foundation, dealing with education in the field of zero waste and climate change, as well as transforming institutions and companies into sustainable ones, operating in a circular economy, will tell you about all of this.
📽️ Watch without registration:
12:00 – 13:00 | Book market visionaries .
🗣️ Sonia Draga (published by Sonia Draga)
🗣️ Aleksandra Saługa (Albatros publishing house)
🗣️ Sylwia Wcisło (published by Znak).
📽️ Watch without registration:
14:00 – 15:00 | Visionary and innovative in the library (not only in the times of COVIDU).
🗣️Danetta Ryszkowska-Mirowska – director of the Copernican Library in Toruń
🗣️Dorota Olejnik – director of the Public Library of the Grodzisk Mazowiecki Commune
📽️ Watch without registration:
15:00 – 16.30 | Audiobook market in Germany and Poland
🗣️ Killian Kissling from Argon Verlag – the largest publisher of audiobooks, spokesman for the audiobook section of the Börsenverein des Deutshcen Buchhandels.
🗣️ Arkadiusz Seidler – member of the management board for publishing houses at Audioteka SA
The meeting will be hosted by 🗣️ Grzegorz Majerowicz – member of the Council of the Polish Chamber of Books, publisher and bookseller.
📽️ Watch:
15:15 – 16:00 | How to effectively promote a book – good practices, examples.
Promotion in social media is the basic method of marketing new titles for many publishers. Artur Jabłoński, head of the Digitalk agency, an experienced book marketer, will show, using the example of already completed campaigns, how to create social media ads for various types of books – from business guides to detective stories.
🗣️ Artur Jabłoński – CEO of Digitalk agency.
📽️ Watch without registration:
WEDNESDAY 18/11/2020
9:30 – 10:30 | Library – for good times and bad.
The Raczyński Library is a modern institution open to changes. Recently, it concluded an agreement for co-financing a project from Norwegian funds, one of the elements of which is a system recommending librarians to buy new publications, as well as to set up self-service book machines in housing estates where there is no library branch.
🗣️ Anna Gruszecka – director of the Raczyński Library in Poznań
📽️ Watch without registration:
11:00 – 12:00 | How does AI help improve the publishing process?
Publishers do not have time to review all submitted publishing proposals, authors, in turn, try to attract publishers to their books – how the publishing industry can help modern technology will be told by representatives of Scriptbaker, a German company that created software that facilitates the management of manuscripts.
🗣️ Tony Franzky – CTO ScriptBakery AI
🗣️Mrs. Linda Erni – CCO ScriptBakery AI
📽️ Watch without registration:
12:00 – 13:00 | How not to miss the bestseller?
Who wouldn’t want to release Harry Potter? And what if this one gem is among the dozens of publishing offers that reach the mail of your publishing house? How do publishers obtain texts for publication? What do they do so as not to miss the great text in the maze of proposals that flow to them every day? What are the publishing proposal evaluation procedures?
🗣️ Katarzyna Kubicka – Agora
🗣️ Piotr Majorowicz – Copernicus Press
🗣️ Natalia Gowin – Edipresse
🗣️Małgorzata Sieniewicz – BookScout.Ai
Moderator: Elżbieta Sobczak – UKSW
📽️ Watch without registration:
13:00 – 14:00 | How to build a modern publishing house
🗣️ Łukasz Kuśnierz – co-founder of the SQN publishing house
🗣️ Przemysław Romański – co-founder of the SQN publishing house
What path does it take to become a successful publishing company? How to build a recognizable brand and effectively compete for the readers’ attention in times of scattered information? Are the difficult times of the pandemic a threat or a new opportunity for the publisher?
The co-founders of the publishing house will tell you about the path that the SQN publishing house has gone through from its inception until now and about the new challenges it faces.
Moderator: Mateusz Tobiczyk – We like to read
📽️ Watch without registration:
14:00 – 15:00 | Does there always have to be a naked chest on the cover?
What lover is Grażyna from Biedronka dreaming of? How to write about penetration? And where does this erotic craze come from ???
🗣️ Milena Buszkiewicz – Women’s Publishing House
🗣️Dariusz Marszałek – Extraordinary Publishing House
Hosted by: Kuba Frołow – Legimi
📽️ Watch without registration:
Information about the details of the program is also available on FB in the BookTarg Industry Events event> KLIK and on the website in the Industry events tab> CLICK .