plenLiteracka Sp. z o.o.    |   Olsztyn, Wilczyńskiego 25e/216
+48 883 00 88 22

For authors

THE BOOKSCOUT.AI APP helps authors find a publisher.

Are you writing or have you already written a book? Forget about months of waiting for a response from a publisher.

Create a free account in the application, check which publishing house fits your manuscript and submit your work. You will receive notifications of any activity the publisher takes on your submission. You won’t have to wait long for a response. always returns to the author with information about the stage at which the publisher is reading the work.

The application software, using the achievements of artificial intelligence in the field of text analysis, helps to determine which target group a given work will reach, what its market potential is, it will show how it fits into literary categories and publishing series.


  • Helps publishers and literary agents identify the most promising manuscripts as future bestsellers,
  • automatically analyzes both the works sent and those that he finds on the Internet or receives directly from the authors,
  • sends an email alert as soon as it finds a manuscript matching the publisher’s target group and publishing profile.

Additional service:

The application presents the results of the text analysis in the form of a report containing the following information:

  • the emotional overtone of the book,
  • matching to literary categories,
  • Keywords,
  • the most common words
  • the ratio of dialogue parts to descriptive parts,
  • time, place of action, characters, emotional states,
  • average sentence length compared to the average value for the selected category,
  • the percentage distribution of individual parts of speech,
  • type of narrative.

Please contact us!

Urszula Witkowska
tel. 506 608 040